
Welcoming the next generation of teachers

Posted on: 18/02/2025


It may have been a bitterly cold February day outside, but it was a pleasure to welcome a good number of potential new teachers at the Bucks Train to Teach event in High Wycombe on Saturday, 8 February.

Held in the bright and spacious Atrium at Buckinghamshire New University, this recruitment fair was organised by Buckinghamshire Council with support from Astra Teaching School Hub. Representatives from teacher training providers from across Buckinghamshire (including Astra SCITT), schools and multi academy trusts attended. 

There were also talks on different routes into teaching, including apprenticeships, university-based and school-based routes, as well as specialist advice on creating a strong application for primary or secondary teaching.

Whether you managed to attend or not,  Astra is keen to hear from graduates who are interested in teaching in both primary and secondary phases. We are hosting an open event on Thursday 27 February at Dr Challoner's Grammar School from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. Further details, including how to sign up, are here.

Each year, Astra trains approximately sixty to seventy new teachers, a mix both of recent graduates and career changers who are prepared to teach in the full range of schools in Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and surrounding areas. Recruitment for September 2025 is well underway and applications are open.

Written by Andrew Millar