
Core Values

The Core Values of the Astra SCITT

"Everything with Integrity"

Our core values of Support, Collaboration and Innovation in Teacher Training (SCITT) underpin the intent of our provision, judged to be ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted in 2018.  We aim to undertake everything with integrity to provide the very best teacher training for new career entrants so we recruit, train and retain high quality primary and secondary teachers to meet the needs of our local area, with seamless links to the Astra Teaching School Hub Early Career Teacher provision, induction and development services.  Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion can also be seen in our Equalities Statement linked here.

All training is framed around the six point Astra star curriculum, centred around Inclusive Professional Behaviours, which meets and exceeds the minimum entitlement of the Core Content Framework with the integration of additional analysis and critique of theory, research and expert practice.  In this way, our Astra Star curriculum ensures trainees are introduced to the tools to develop their knowledge further, for example through sharing access to professional networks.  Our ongoing formative assessment ensures our trainees are provided with constructive feedback throughout their training and we are also committed to providing outstanding training for our ITT Mentors, who benefit from a fully funded Mentor Certification Programme, in collaboration with Buckinghamshire New University.

Our curriculum also intends to give trainees the necessary expertise in the subject(s) they teach to all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, pupils with SEND and those who have EAL.  It is implemented to ensure that any generic principles are always understood practically and in relation to subject and phase.  The impact is ensured through school based follow up, phased assessment and our online monitoring systems.  This is assured by rigorous Quality Assurance methods and regular communication with all stakeholders, including our half termly newsletters.

Our Intent, Implementation and Impact overview can be seen below:

Astra Core Values Intent, Implementation and Impact overview