14/02/2025 APPLY BY 14TH MARCH | With just a month left to apply for one of our fantastic Leadership Development opportunities, what are you waiting for? Visit our website for more details and links to apply: Read more@NCETM#LeadershipDevelopment pic.twitter.com/WUZxjnFhr1
12/02/2025 Delighted to be at Beaconsfield High to attend their Futures Fair, offering information about routes into teacher training around Buckinghamshire @ChallonersGS@ChallonersHead#futureteachers#traintoteach pic.twitter.com/VRynhJ6nlR
11/02/2025 Looking for ways to keep your students going with GCSE revision? Do parents/carers want to know how they can help?
To provide further opportunities for ECTs and Mentors on our ECF programme, we have teamed up with The National Literacy Trust and AI Educator Darren Coxon to run… pic.twitter.com/IwLvnHARLh
11/02/2025 A fantastic offer from @WholeSchoolSEND for an online conference for schools on preparing learners with SEND for adulthood - Preparation for Adulthood (PfA). Sign up for a FREE place Read more pic.twitter.com/2xtMmcKJIp
11/02/2025 Huge thanks to @GMS_Academy for inviting us to attend their Careers Fair to offer information about routes into teacher training and promote the range of teacher training opportunities in Bucks #traintoteach#careers#engageinteaching pic.twitter.com/8wI02Ize3F
11/02/2025 Bucks schools - ineligible for a DfE NPQ scholarship? Find out more about Leader Apprenticeships with NPQs - join the Best Practice Network webinar this Wednesday 12 February at 4pm. Register here: Read more#NAW2025 @bestpracticenet@ChallonersGS@ChallonersHead pic.twitter.com/AIxt71IewP
8/02/2025 Huge thanks to @teachbucks@BucksCouncil@social_bucks for organising another ‘Teach in Bucks’ teacher training event! Great opportunity for ITT providers and schools to meet prospective trainees and provide advice on routes into teaching #itt#traintoteach@getintoteaching pic.twitter.com/LUFWq7aZpc
6/02/2025 Are you a former teacher ready to return to teaching?
Free support is available from @educationgovuk on everything from the application
process to finding the right role and the right school for you, visit: Return to teaching - Read more#ReturnToTeaching pic.twitter.com/fUjzxrv5Oo
4/02/2025 A fantastic opportunity to meet a range of ITT providers and schools in Bucks to make your first steps to training to teach. Advice about qualifications needed, the application process and what teacher training is like will be on offer! Read more